Daily Shaarli

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April 9, 2018

Joan Robinson’s “Open letter from a Keynesian to a Marxist”

"Ricardo was followed by two able and well-trained pupils — Marx and Marshall. Meanwhile English history had gone right round the corner, and landlords were not any longer the question. Now it was capitalists. Marx turned Ricardo’s argument round this way: Capitalists are very much like landlords. And Marshall turned it round the other way: Landlords are very much like capitalists. Just round the corner in English history you see two bicycles of the very same make — one being ridden off to the left and the other to the right."

Marx versus Keynes in the summer | Michael Roberts Blog

"Keynes says the crisis comes about through a lack of ‘effective demand’, namely an unaccountable fall in investment and consumption and this causes profits and wages to fall. Marx says: let’s start with profits. If profits fall, then capitalists would stop investing, lay off workers and wages would drop and consumption would fall. Then there would be a lack of effective demand, as Keynesians like to put it, but this would not be due to a drop in ‘animal spirits’, or ‘confidence’ (we often hear that phrase from economists: ‘a lack of confidence’), or even due to ‘too high’ interest rates, but because profits are down. The problem lies in the nature of capitalist production, not in the finance sector."

Burning Down: The Songs of Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain

An album of songs by anarchist prisoner Sean Swain as recorded by various folk punk musicians.

Sleeping Isn’t a Crime: How we’ve criminalized a basic human need in order to target the poor, vulnerable, and homeless by Steve Teare

A short illustrated essay on the criminalization of homelessness.