Daily Shaarli

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January 18, 2025

America: The Land Where the Unfit are Elected by the Uninformed

"I’m sure the disinformed and the uninformed were also joined by a large number of misogynists, racists, white supremacists, and Christian nationalists, who truly believe in the program Trump is about to unveil. But a lot of Trump voters just haven’t been paying attention. And that includes a lot of Mormons. I refuse to call them Latter-day Saints, because there is nothing saintly about ignoring everything their religion teaches them, including specific instruction in the D&C about electing “honest men and wise men” and “good men” (D&C 98:10). None of these words describe Trump."

Good Guys with Guns: Why the left should arm itself by James Pogue

I missed this back when it was published, but just stumbled on it and it is one of the best of the "leftists actually have guns too" type articles I've read.